2025-02-11 21:00:00
Later this week,
2025-02-12 02:40:41
ok. thanks! :D
2025-02-25 22:03:12
2025-03-06 01:03:56
2025-01-14 16:28:08
I constantly see people trying to get commissions here making blog entrys and keep improving their artistic style just to miserable fail at getting any chance, then this AI is taking aways this opportunitys so it feel really disrecpectful for the rest of artist that the guy who only use AI (And a very bad one) is getting works that true people could get instead This will only cause that less artist join this place on first place if they see AI is taking the commissions, there are only a few active artist still on Whentai and I dont think is a good idea to lose potential artist just to protect a guy who doenst make an effort to draw and even the current artists could lose interest on keep trying if that become more common, today is one but that open the posibbilities to more AI appear eventually and will end keeping away people from using Whentai Whentai is quite a small site and is far yet from recover from the crisis it have 2 years ago, this will only perjudicate this place to a irreparable state if you allow the AI to take the spot rather than valorate the true artists that still work here When I joined 10 years ago I was rejected as an artist in a few occassions before finally get my artists status and I even remember a guy who contacted me in PM (Not sure why me) that was hoping to get his artist status, he actually neved did it and he left, why there are so many AI that blatantly get artist status this days? I pretty sure and hope that more artist will show their support in this case, so admins please remove this artist status of Zioart and have a better quality filter when it comes to accept artist, this is the kind of things that damage the image of this place, fight for what is right
2025-01-14 18:15:57
@Pedroillusions, totally agree. AI is destroying artist jobs. Also, i have to admit that I'm having less work since this distopia started. Sometimes I have been thinking on leave Whentai for the low jobs, and if they continuing accepting AI art i will leave it for good. I'm an anti-GenAI and I have left other social networks because of that subject.
2025-01-14 18:23:36
IMVHO there are a lot of other things that are chasing real artists away from here besides AI. Trouble getting paid seems like a bigger problem for artists and problems buying EV from the other end for commissioners. BTW Some AI generating sites are not using whole original art anymore but creating compilations of images. As long as the characters are drawn from the minds of artists I don't mind if the BG is generic or AI.
2025-01-14 18:28:47
#PinkyCrocodile You are always dependable and if you bid on a commission, I will almost always pick you. Usually if I don't it's because I collaborated with an artist on a specific project. Even then I most likely would see what you'll do with the idea.
2025-01-14 18:49:49
@Molrad this is not specifially about the "artist" you are hiring. Is the fact that AI is from stolen art and its not ethican in any situation. I'm totally against it and people who use it don't even deserve the right to be called artists. And AI of course hurts artists in any platform, is made from scam, stole and bullying. I'm asking that this page need to respect REAL artists. Thats why there are a lot of open demands against it and real artists are leaving social networks, for example from meta or twitter. It's a matter of principles and ethics.
2025-01-14 20:48:43
#PinkyCrocodile and #Pedroillusions OK, no more Zioarts "art" for me. Anybody else? This Artists VS AI reminds me of last century's music fights. That settled down eventually even if most ***gs these days are not as good. Of course, my parents said the same thing about classic rock. So, it goes
2025-01-14 20:52:45
WTF I can't even write the Music & lyrics together word without the stupid censor crap.? IMVHO that another thing wrong with Whentai...
2025-01-16 23:25:29
Broo! #PinkyCrocodile you can see in the meru commission clearly it's not an AI image , name me an AI generator tool, and use the AI to create the same image of the commission and then you can say something about "AI Creation". ALL AI ARE BAD they will always mess up the image from deformed hands to faces.
2025-01-16 23:38:55
If you can create the same image using AI art I will quit WHENTAI on my own. Which I am 100 percent certain you can't.
2025-01-16 23:48:54
If you confuse the artstyle with AI, it's not my problem, I use Photoshop to draw the commissions and I use filters in Photoshop filter gallery, all my commissions are drawn from 0 to 100 using Photoshop and Adobe illustrator, not my problem if you don't own or use these two applications.
2025-01-16 23:52:36
If you want proof I'll send you the screen shot of the layers on my application
2025-01-17 15:57:27
I dont need to see anything to know you are using AI, you can fool yourself or maybe a normal user, but not a REAL ARTIST
2024-10-21 18:50:42
Next elf/pizza comic? Later this week.
2024-11-17 22:13:16
2024-12-06 01:24:26
2024-12-14 00:47:17
2024-12-20 20:24:10
9761 Last page
2024-09-03 15:43:41
I'm doing another comic so that might help
2024-09-05 19:54:06
That will really help. im just at one dollar to get my payment :(. I laugh everytime admin saiy crypto doesnt need a minimum.
2024-09-11 14:20:06
Would you like to do 9712 I'll repost it for anyone cause I figured out how to buy more EV so I should be more active here again
2024-09-12 11:54:04
2024-09-19 07:02:37
next? 9716
2024-08-21 01:54:41
9709 Is anyone else offering commissions?
2024-08-21 11:38:06
#Pedroillusions What about Katara VS Azula? Or Toph VS Mai or Ty Lee?
2024-08-21 15:04:01
i wish i can get notifications on blog posts, this website is a little odd on that.
2024-08-12 18:50:54
I have a 3-panel Oxy Cottontail coming up. Watch for it
2024-08-13 00:31:04
2024-05-29 01:28:45
why you did not want to publish your NSFW games here?
2024-05-29 01:29:56
because you only accept flash ones isn't it? i do them on Godot and unity.
2024-05-29 01:30:48
Also think the EVs issue is making people buy less stuff here :(
2024-05-29 01:42:45
We accept crypto - it works fine. And you can always change crypto to PayPal
2024-05-29 01:44:37
I already have crypto in here, but since i have still to wait for the $100 minimum have been difficult for me to upload paywall content. Also, as I see website have been a little dead lately.
2024-05-29 01:45:32
As for your game list: can you send the archive to [email protected] ? And we try to place your games in your profile in manual mode.
2024-05-29 01:47:49
ok, games need time, so i wasn't sure to start one, so once i have it, if i see stuff get better here, i will upload with no doubt. thnks for the info
2024-05-29 01:57:49
Bytheway you can use HTML5 export in unity, and we have such option for game upload (HTML5 section, not only flash - check please)
2024-05-29 02:12:07
ok, thanks! Will check that.
2024-05-31 19:52:38
Newground Erogames gamecore
2024-05-31 19:52:52
thanks!! :D
2024-06-05 01:21:52
#PinkyCrocodile On gamecore there's a fun strip poker game where you can get your favorite anime characters to get naked 4 at a time...
2024-06-05 01:46:34
#molrad I will check if i can upload something there. thanks for the advice :).
2024-06-22 01:34:18
what about that nutaku site? why don't you try that one
2024-05-01 18:13:23
I might do a commission with you! I want to know what you can and can't do?
2024-05-01 18:17:21
I'm open to anything except ****, minors (which can clearly be seen to be ***s) or with explicit ******s. Open to *****, LGBT, BDSM or anything you have in mind.
2024-05-02 03:35:08
I'm sending my idea to your DM.
2024-04-20 03:21:52
If people can't buy EV they can't pay for commissions. Not everyone wants to deal in cryptos
2024-04-21 00:41:11
fuf, that's a big issue :S. I understand about not wanting to deal with crypto. I lost $180 USD the first time i try to do a withdraw, and no help from whentai on that issue. But Im open if you need anything via paypal :)
2024-02-08 22:37:48
I'll have one up soon. I had to do a roundabout way to get more EVs. If it works again, I'll post it early next week.
2024-02-09 01:27:42
thanks! Will wait for it :D
2023-09-23 19:24:55
Page 2 of "pirate Nico" this week 150EV's
2023-09-24 13:42:20
That will help. Thks!!! :)
2023-07-28 20:36:10
9489 If I don't hear from milkonhunny by Sunday Otherwise I'll post a new idea maybe based on Image With less clothes Or Image Either one with other characters
2023-07-28 21:11:11
Ok. Let me know when you post a new commission. :D
2023-07-29 00:13:51
Maldrad make first picture with Iris, Serena and Mallow or Delia Ketchum, Lanas Mom and Serenas Mom and Im on
2023-07-29 00:50:00
#Pedroillusions The three dancing girls? Ok, next week for certain.
2023-07-29 01:07:04
#PinkyCrocodile 9503
2023-07-26 17:29:21
Nah, I dont understand a **** of Cryptos and paypal mostly only take 1 week, once I was lucky and I received pretty much the same day I uploaded a commission, it was a miracle
2023-07-26 18:39:48
Don't futz around with crytos. It's turning into a scam.
2023-05-08 22:06:15
See my blog above`