ALL CHARACTERS are over 18 and consensually
Six-panel comic.
Panel one
Tamleon -- "All right. But I'd have to make sure you stay here, and if anyone came by, you would need to look restrained.
Branwen examines some chains.
Tamleon - "I have some Mithril chains my great-grand****** acquired."
Branwen took the chains, attached one end to the couch leg and the other to her left ankle, and flopped down on the soft sofa.
Panel two
After a few minutes, Tamleon returned with a pizza and two beer mugs.
Tamleon -"Here is your reward for stealing my clothes."
Branwen folds up her borrowed outfit and stands naked.
Branwen- "They are yours. I shall not wear them."
Naked, she attacks a slice of pizza
Panel three
Branwen and Tamleon were happy with the arrangement. After a few weeks, the settee became a "love seat."
Panel four
Branwen was given some underwear but was comfortable without it most days.
Panel five
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Tamleon was glad for the rare, pretty, intelligent company. Branwen was enjoying her new life. She wasn't treated like a slave, and any lovemaking was eagerly consensual. On days when Tamleon was out, she had books to read and all the pizza and beer she wanted.
Panel six
{narrative rectangle}
She did some exercises alone, and while Tamleon watched, he was amazed at how supple she was.