takashi komuro x saya takagi
takashi and saya unfortunately separeted from their group! there is a strong rain so they are wating for it to finish since moving in it would be dangerous
they might find zombies and with the low visibility it would be a bad idea, they found a place to cover themselves from the rain however is a cramped place
so they are very tightly pressed against each other! he can feel her breasts and warmth from her body on him! they are totaly wet from the rain so being like this
will help them heat up their bodies! even if they are in a not so safe situation, takashi is geting a little bit excited! will he do something? saya secretly likes him
so she wouldn't mind if he did i suppose but due to her personality she would act like if she would resist but it would be a facade
Note 1: this is a concept so how you will turn this into something it's all up to you
Note 2: Conept (an abstract idea; a general notion. a plan or intention; a conception.)
below follows some reference on the characters
takashi (
Image )
saya (
Image )
i will give you a keyword for inspiration that might help you come up with something if you need (wet clothes)